TEFL Online Pro Review

The man behind all of these sites and identities

Be sure to read the above photo. If you are looking for reviews on TEFL online pro then know that a whole lot of them are fake and written by the above man using various fake personalities, and websites.

He is in fact Mia Williams (Trusted TEFL reviews), Paul Murphy (TEFL online pro), and Christopher Haines (ACTEFLC). He writes reviews and comments under various fake names.

If you are searching for reviews on TEFL online pro then you will likely encounter the site Trusted TEFL reviews.

Here is a search result displaying the connection between TEFL online pro and Trusted TEFL reviews which is also done here in pictures. Is it a surprise that TEFL online pro won 2 years in a row?

Fake reviews, a fake award and a fake accreditation all created by the same man to make you think his course is more legit than it is.

Trusted TEFL reviews and TEFL online pro are run by the same person writing fake reviews

Both websites are hosted by the same company. Both sites were created only 10 days apart.

Mia Williams is his main so-called identity on Trusted TEFL reviews and Paul Murphy on TEFL online pro.

I asked if they would engage in a video call with me and they refused.


Is it a surprise?

Taken from Reddit

TEFL Online Pro is a total scam run by the fraudulent Neville David Thomas. See for yourself how he advertises TEFL Online Pro and Trusted TEFL Review on his Facebook (Yes, under his personal account) and Reddit (See comments under u/teflonlinepro where he talks about depression and shares his personal El Camino de Santiago blogs).

TEFL Online Pro and Trusted TEFL Reviews were both created by Neville Thomas. Totally fake TEFL reviews site to promote TEFL Online Pro and defame competitors.


On TEFL online pro here he is (under his fake name – Paul Murphy) mentioning el Camino do Santiago.

He apparently had a blog on that under his real name called mycaminosantiago.com and a wordpress blog.

Paul Murphy is Neville David Thomas.

And a Facebook post:

On Facebook plenty of people fell for the TEFL online pro scam, but not this guy

That’s right that accreditation is fake.

Read more comments underneath:

How does TEFL online pro remove reviews?

On the home page it is mentioned that the owner of TEFL online pro used to own a site called ITTP.

After a few weeks all the reviews were removed and ITTP was completely removed from the website. On investigation we found out that Neville had threatened to sue this company and after continual harassment from Neville, the owner had just removed all comment of ITTP from the reviews site to stop Neville harassing him.


Other people on the web have reported this too.


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